Extensions Cannot Edit Image Metadata

What is even the purpose of the extension then? I feel like I wasted my money.


The extension can read and export metadata. So, you can take a look at EXIF, IPTC, and XMP as well as Maker notes inside It also allows you to export sidecar files.

The extension does not allow you to edit metadata due to a limitation made by Apple. This is not our choice at all…

I understand that you may have been mistaken. If you purchased the app in the App Store, I encourage you to ask Apple directly for a refund. If you purchased the app via our store, you could contact me via the contact form. I will launch the refund process and invalidate your license.

I hope it helps.

Thanks for the reply. I already requested the refund. I understand it’s not a limitation on your end. I just wish that you hadn’t included a screenshot of open with the MetaImage plugin active showing the EXIF fields as if they could be edited.