I am trying to edit Metadata inside MP3 and WAV files and all fields have “Cannot be edited” in it.
I check in “Tutorials/ Which files are supported by MetaImage and MetaVideo?” and I see that this two files are supported by MetaVideo.
Already tested with several files from different sources and always the same issue.
Any clue about this problem?
The list of supported file types is available on this page: Which metadata tags are supported by filetypes?
Are you certain that you’re editing APE, ID3, or MPEG tags?
Best regards.
Hi Jérémy,
I checked the supported file types before send my first message.
WAV and MP3 are supported.
See the attached images please.
Due to limitations, new users can upload only one file.
I will reply to your message to send the other images for you to see.
Best regards,
Miguel Madeira
And the last one.
You can see that in both audio files all the fields are not editable.
If I use one video file, like MP4 I can edit the tags without problem.
You can see that I will be using XMP tags to fill my files.
Hi Jérémy,
I checked the link you sent and found that at least MP3 audio file is not supported by XMP.
Is it possible that in a future update XMP be supported in MP3 files?
I see that WAV files support XMP, but the behaviour of MetaVideo is the same for both files, as you can see in my previous messages images.
Best regards,
I understand that it may not be immediately apparent, but the issue is not a bug but rather the complexity of metadata. There are several standard formats for storing metadata, such as EXIF, XMP, and QuickTime. By default, MetaVideo displays File tags, QuickTime tags, and XMP tags. This is why the tag names begin with « File, » « QuickTime, » or « XMP. » As you’ve discovered in the documentation, MetaVideo can edit APE tags, ID3 tags, and MPEG tags associated with MP3 files. Similarly, it can edit EXIF tags, RIFF tags, and XMP tags associated with WAV files. However, these tags are not displayed by default. To resolve this, open the tag manager (located at the bottom right corner or via the main menu bar: tags > Tag Navigation > Manage Tags). This panel reveals the thousands of tags supported by MetaVideo. You can remove and add tags that you want to display. Simply type « APE » or « ID3 » to display only those tags. You can drag and drop the tags you want to use, and your changes will be validated in real time. The list of displayed tags will be updated accordingly.
Let me know if it helps
Hi Jérémy,
I did all the actions you said in the previous message and I got the same “Cannot be edited” in the supported tags.
Here are the images so you can check too:
Hope this can help for your evaluation and for the solution to edit the tags.
Best regards,
Hello there,
I regret to inform you that the MP3 and WAV file formats are only readable. MetaImage utilizes ExifTool to edit metadata, and these formats are not editable by ExifTool.
For more detailed information, please refer to the following link: https://exiftool.org
While the metadata tags you are seeking can be read, they cannot be edited by the app. However, if ExifTool supports the writing of these tags in the future, the app will also be able to edit them.
I sincerely apologize for any confusion caused.
Best regards.
Hi Jérémy,
Thanks for the answer.
I hoped it could be some kind of solution to edit the tags.