How do I browse through photos inside folders?

I have a tree structures that has multiple levels. When I add the folder at the top of the tree, all I see is that folder. How can I look through the folders below it (without having load each folder’s pictures one-at-a-time.)


At the moment, MetaImage can import folders and images. However, the application cannot load pictures from folder structures. The simplest solution is to load each directory manually.

I added your request to our todo list.

Jérémy Vizzini

Like jaireaux I also need the function that MetaImage can edit the metadata of all photos in all subfolders below a given root folder. Is this function already implemented in MetaImage 2 and does it also work with a root folder that contains about 1000 subfolders organized in up to 10 hierarchy levels and a total of about 40000 RAW files?

Hello there,

When you drag and drop a folder onto MetaImage, a panel appears, asking if you want to load the files or not and if you want to navigate to subfolders. If you select to import the files, the app will locate and load them. If you don’t choose this option, it will only display a folder in the interface. The app won’t read any files and when you will save the metadata, the app will read and edit the files in the background. Since you’re dealing with 40,000 files, I don’t think the first option is feasible because you’ll likely exceed the memory limit.

Best regards,