Full disc access


Since last update, metalmage is asking me for full disc access, every time i want to save changes in the meta dates of any photos. Although I gave this access, it wont let me save any changes.

Whats should I do?

Im using the german version of metalmage it says: " Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Dateien, einige Aufgaben sind fehlgeschlagen. Beachten Sie, dass die Aktivierung des vollständigen Festplattenzugriffs in den Systemeinstellungen empfohlen wird."

I am also having this identical problem.

Hello there,

Does this only happen when you modify the File:FileCreateDate and File:FileModifyDate tags?

Thanks for the reply. It happens when i try to transfer IPTC keywords to File MD Item Tags. Just tried modifying those that you mention and the same error appears. I found a workaround for the IPTC keyword → File MD Item Tags. Modifying the IPTC keywords by appending an extra keyword to the end, then saving (no error), then transferring the keyword to File MD Item Tags results in no save error.

Thank you very much for the feedback, this information is really important and really helps me. However I will need some time to find the cause.

In the meantime, I added an option in the preferences of the next update to disable warnings. So you will be able to ignore the problem while it is not solved. The update will be available next week.

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Okay that sounds good, thank you for the support.