Extreme slow export

Is it normal that when exporting 4K timelapse consisting of 600 frames in total, after 16 minutes progress shows only 5%? This makes software unusable. Is there a way to troubleshoot? I’m using MacBook Pro with M1 Max and Sonoma. I’m using TIFF images exported from Lightroom as a source for time-lapse. Activity monitor shows utilisation of just one core of CPU, and that happens no matter if I select “CPU” or “GPU” in settings for rendering. GPU is not used at all.


I would like to begin by apologizing for the issue you’re facing.

The processing duration can significantly vary depending on the computer’s performance and the types of images being processed. However, a 16-minute processing time for only 5% completion appears unusually long and is a cause for concern. It’s possible that an unexpected issue is causing this delay. Have you encountered the same result when converting your TIFF files to 4K JPEGs and then using the JPEGs to create the timelapse? Additionally, it might be beneficial to conduct the experiment after a system reboot, as this could help us eliminate the possibility of an operating system-related bug.

Warm regards,
Jérémy Vizzini

Unfortunately I already requested a refund and deleted the app from my computer. Can only say that QuickTime was able to save the same files as movie in around 1-2 minutes.

I understand your request for a refund. I encourage you to test the app further using a different image set. Don’t forget that you can still access the trial version on our website.