External hard drive

Does the photo file have to be in Finder on the MacOS or can it be on an external hard drive and accessed through Finder. The File creation/modify date is not sticking. The other modifications appear to. I am wondering if I need to copy the photo to finder, make the changes, then copy back to the external hard drive.


Hello there,

MetaImage allows you to edit the metadata of images accessible through Finder. Whether the file is located on the main disk, an external disk, or a server such as a Synology NAS, MetaImage can make changes to the metadata, which become a part of the files themselves. Additionally, MetaImage can edit the File creation and modify date, which are not metadata but rather tags managed by the file system. Upon saving, MetaImage prompts the file system to update these details, though the file system’s response may vary. While the file system on the main disk typically complies, external drives or servers may be influenced by other factors.

Do you observe differences when editing files on the main disk and then moving them to your external disk?

The File Creation tag seems to stay better if I move the photos to the Mac hard drive and make the edits, however, I have found that I may have to repeat the edit several times to get it to stay and sometimes, I just will not change.

Cela m’est arrivé au début de mon utilisation de MetaImage jusqu’à ce que je me rende compte qu’il fallait faire Cmd S ou" Enregistrer" dans la barre des menus… d’ou l’intérêt d’un bouton “Enregistrer” bien visible :slightly_smiling_face:
This happened to me when I first started using MetaImage, until I realised that I had to press Cmd S or “Save” in the menu bar…, hence the importance of a clearly visible “Save” button.

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