I have some photos created by Kodak camera back in 2008, and JPEG images have APP2 streams named FPXR that MetaImage can’t delete whatever I tried.
These streams are FlashPix data, which is kind of thumbnails + metadata used by Kodak. As per my knowledge, no modern software can read this data, so I don’t see why to keep it.
I tried to delete them using Tags > Erase tags > Choose Streams, where I selected APP2 + Kodak and after I’m clicking Apply, I see 0 tags edited, so nothing to save.
What prevents MetaImage from deleting this data?
Okay, as far as I can see MetaImage uses exiftool under the hood, so I used it to remove these FlashPix streams as MetaImage fails to do so. The terminal command I used: exiftool -flashpix:all image.jpg
Hello there,
In the main menu bar, you’ll find two options: Erase Tags and Delete Metadata. The first option deletes the tags in MetaImage’s interface, while the second option deletes the entire block and immediately performs the same action as the command you mentioned. So, I suggest selecting Delete Metadata > Choose Streams > FlashPix to achieve the same result as ExifTool. I know it may sound strange, but some tags can’t be deleted individually, while the entire block can be removed from the file.
Thank you for a solution. Now I got the difference between tags and metadata, and your advice worked out for me.