Cannot Edit any Hasselblad X1D tags - 3fr or fff files


Apparently I cannot edit any of the Exif and other tags in 3fr and fff files from Hasselblad X1Dii 50C. It seems camera specific since i can edit other raw files. I can also edit the tiff files.
I understood that Metaimage does support 3fr and fff files. Is there a workaround?

I try to include below a screenshot showing the situation in MetaImage.

Thanks for looking into this.

Is anyone else using MetaImage with Hasselblad successfully?


MetaImage uses two main engines: CoreImage, provided by Apple, and ExifTool, an open-source tool for editing metadata. Unfortunately, CoreImage doesn’t support 3FR and FFF files. However, ExifTool can read-only mode for 3FR files, which explains why you read but not edit metadata for them. Lastly , the current version of MetaImage can edit FFF files with no problem as ExifTool supports this file format.

Best regards