As the title says, please beware: if you edit any fuji RAW file in meta image, then if you try to open that same Compressed RAW file in Fuji X Raw Studio, the Fuji app will crash whenever you try to edit the file. (Note that the Fuji X studio requires the camera to be connected since it uses the same camera to process and make any change in the raw file). Sadly, I’ve done this to entire folders where I wanted my photos to be nicely geotagged.
Wondering if there’s any hope that a software update may “revert” the issue caused. This is a great deal to me since I often use the Fuji software to change between my film simulations and I just lost this capability on thousand of photos.
I tried removing and emptying the field I added, which in turn was only the geolocation without any success.
I may be happy to provide a “healthy” raw file vs one edited with Meta Image.